Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Animated Films, Work, Dad Avoids Iraq, SCSI rocks!

It's getting hot in here

I saw a half dozen animated films at a screening at Sony tonight.

It was a busier than usual day before that. Inevitably it feels like I can't keep up with it all... more than 8 or so things pending and I just can't keep track of it even with a list in front me, as I'm doing one of the 8 things, one might finish, another one might come in... arrgh. No matter how many things you do right, it's always the one dropped or delayed thing that gets noticed by the wrong person.

In other news, my dad does NOT have to go Iraq in June after all, which is a great relief. Instead, he'll be visiting me with mom.

They were right. SCSI hard drives are better than IDE. I have 2 SCSI drives that run 24/7 that I've had for 3 years. I bought an extra IDE drive not even a year ago and it just died. Unfortunately, I had saved all my work on my entry for David Bowie's mash-up contest on it.

Sadly, even Sleepy Time™ tea is not having much effect on me when I need to be getting ready for bed.
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posted by Brian at 11:00 PM