Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Thus spake the Universe: "Thou shalt focus on thy projects"

Today the Universe reminded me I should be focusing on the 10 or so project ideas I have lined up. Of course, that's quite scary when you are unemployed. I need to just do what I have to do.

Reading about Flash flocking behaviors. I'm drawn to things I don't readily understand (usually math-intensive). Most people avoid what they can't grasp quickly but I seem to gravitate toward it like a moth. If only this actually led to me understanding it. My absorption rate is much slower than when I was younger and it was never that fast.

Many things to do this week -- pay bills, Guild planning, job applications, PixelCorps team choice, etc.

Thought of doing a "Ballet of the Control Freaks" (translated into French) involving many dancers playing keep away with a ball (representing Communication) while someone in the middle (an executive) tries desperately to get the ball. In the end it just deflates the ball and no more playing goes on.

Also thought of (with Jon's help) a puppet show about being doomed to use an online dating service for the next 1000 years.
And the "For that is Nature's Way" variation -- animals using online dating services, with mixed results.
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posted by Brian at 12:18 AM


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